Backpack Project

Let’s make sure all kids have a new backpack for the first day of school.

This is a Shelburne Christmas Hamper Project

THANK YOU TO OUR 2021 SPONSORS: Dufferin Mutual Insurance, RIF Equipment Repairs, Rotary Club of Shelburne, Shelburne Legion, Shelburne Family Chiropractic, Joan and Paul Waechter

While the food bank does their best to make sure that there is food for school lunches, the Shelburne Christmas Hampers knew that making sure that each student had a backpack to carry lunches to school, was a perfect extension to the Hamper Program.

Our goal is to supply at least a backpack, lunch kit, and reusable water bottle to any student requiring one. If donations surpass our goal then other supplies will also be added to the kit.

The packs will be available at the food bank in late summer and will be offered to all schools in the Shelburne area to distribute throughout the year to students in need. The items will be in various shapes and sizes to accommodate kindergarten to grade 12 students.